
I have two tables. One contains Potential Customer information along with their Vehicle requirements (Vehicle Type, Vehicle Colour) etc. The other table contains a list of the Vehicles. This includes data such as NumberOfSeats, Max Speed, Price etc.

I need a query that will list Vehicles (from the Vehicles table) that satisfy the Potential Customers requirements (Vehicle Type) etc.

There's a few things I'd like to avoid in the query. I want to list these by ONLY specifying the Potential Customer's ID (Cust ID). I.E I don't want to have to do something like WHERE Cust ID = 1 AND ... AND ... AND ...

I thought about this and concluded that a JOIN or UNION is most likely needed to be used. But when I was trying to put a JOIN statement together, I found that I'd have to list loads of JOIN ON fields:

FROM [Potential Customer] INNER JOIN [Vehicles] AS Matches
    ON Matches.`Number of Seats` >= [Potential Customer].`Min Seats` AND
    ON Matches.`Color` >= [Potential Customer].`Preferred Color` =  AND 

WHERE [Potential Customer].`Cust No` = 3

Is there a better way to do this?

Why do you not want to use WHERE?tkm256
it helps if you start marking selected answers for your questions. More people are going to answer that way.Shade

2 Answers


But you already have several ... AND ... statements. So I think that a good way to do it is:

SELECT Cars.* FROM Cars, Customer WHERE 
Customer.ID = 1 AND
Cars.Whatever >= Customer.Whatever >=  AND

I, personally, would do it that way because it's easy and understandable. Also, for about 8 years of marginal database experience, I never bothered to learn anything about joins (ashamed). And, BTW, this is not such an advanced query :P


You may be able to get what you are after by using a simple query like this:

SELECT Customer.Id, Vehicle.Id FROM Customer, Vehicle 
WHERE Vehicle.criteria_1 >= Customer.Criteria_1 AND... AND Customer.Id = 3

That should give you a list of Vehicle.Id (or whatever else you select form Vehicle) for a specific customer.

BTW, how is the query going to be created? Ad-hoc in code? Stored proc?