I have two tables. One contains Potential Customer information along with their Vehicle requirements (Vehicle Type, Vehicle Colour) etc. The other table contains a list of the Vehicles. This includes data such as NumberOfSeats, Max Speed, Price etc.
I need a query that will list Vehicles (from the Vehicles table) that satisfy the Potential Customers requirements (Vehicle Type) etc.
There's a few things I'd like to avoid in the query. I want to list these by ONLY specifying the Potential Customer's ID (Cust ID). I.E I don't want to have to do something like WHERE Cust ID
= 1 AND ... AND ... AND ...
I thought about this and concluded that a JOIN or UNION is most likely needed to be used. But when I was trying to put a JOIN statement together, I found that I'd have to list loads of JOIN ON fields:
FROM [Potential Customer] INNER JOIN [Vehicles] AS Matches
ON Matches.`Number of Seats` >= [Potential Customer].`Min Seats` AND
ON Matches.`Color` >= [Potential Customer].`Preferred Color` = AND
WHERE [Potential Customer].`Cust No` = 3
Is there a better way to do this?