I want to upsert entities to datastore using apache beam, but before doing WriteToDatastore, I created a custom DoFN that - takes entity from import step, - checks if entity exists in Datastore - if yes, extracts value of a property and concatenates the value with new entity. - outputs entity
Example: My data consists of columns: parent_id, nationality & child_name. Input data are new children born. Before upserting to datastore I want to get a parent's existing chidlren and append new value.
with beam.Pipeline(options=options) as p:
(p | 'Reading input file' >> beam.io.ReadFromText(input_file_path)
| 'Converting from csv to dict' >> beam.ParDo(CSVtoDict())
| 'Create entities' >> beam.ParDo(CreateEntities())
| 'Update entities' >> beam.ParDo(UpdateEntities())
| 'Write entities into Datastore' >> WriteToDatastore(PROJECT)
The Pardo that takes the most time is Update Entities:
class UpdateEntities(beam.DoFn):
"""Updates Datastore entity"""
def process(self, element):
query = query_pb2.Query()
parent_key = entity_pb2.Key()
parent = datastore_helper.get_value(element.properties['parent_id'])
datastore_helper.add_key_path(parent_key, kind, parent)
parent_key.partition_id.namespace_id = datastore_helper.get_value(element.properties['nationality'])
query.kind.add().name = kind
datastore_helper.set_property_filter(query.filter, '__key__', PropertyFilter.EQUAL, parent_key)
req = helper.make_request(project=PROJECT, namespace=parent_key.partition_id.namespace_id,query=query)
resp = helper.get_datastore(PROJECT).run_query(req)
if len(resp.batch.entity_results) > 0:
existing_entity = resp.batch.entity_results[0].entity
existing_child_name_v = datastore_helper.get_value(existing_entity.properties['child_name'])
new_child_names = existing_child_name_v + ';' + datastore_helper.get_value(element.properties['child_name'])
return [element]
return [element]