
We are using the following url for Google OAuth2 v3 now.

But, I confirmed version-up in the latest document(https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2WebServer).

What was changed? If possible, we want to update it.

Looks like https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token/ is now obsolete. (e.g. github.com/grahamearley/FirestoreGoogleAppsScript/issues/43).Archy Will He 何魏奇

1 Answers


This is the third time i think i have seen them change them in the last five years. Exactly why they change them they never inform us. I would suspect that the new endpoints are OpenIDConnect compliant.

The old ones should continue to work for a while i have not heard anything about them shutting them down.

You can also check the Discovery document