
I would like to tell nexus to give a deployed snapshot the same build number as jenkins assigned to the build.

To clarify:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<metadata modelVersion="1.1.0">
      <buildNumber>4</buildNumber> <!-- this should be same build number as jenkins assigned to the build -->

Is it possible?


2 Answers


In Hudson/Jenkins you can use ${BUILD_NUMBER} as a parameter in your builds. Pass this in to your maven build like mvn clean package -Dbuild.number=${BUILD_NUMBER}, or use it in post-build steps as you like.

This may help you towards an answer, but I don't know enough Nexus to provide a complete solution.


If it was me, I'd be looking to use a released version of the artefact in maven\nexus if I cared about the version information. I wouldn't normally care (a\or want to) differentiate between different SNAPSHOT versions.

Would it work for you to use the maven-release-plugin to create a version as part of the build? This could include the Hudson build number and\or the VCS revision number as part of your versioning scheme.