I have created a function getFriends that reads a User's friendlist from firestore and puts each friend in a LocalUser object (which is my custom user class) in order to display the friendlist in a tableview. I need the DispatchSemaphore.wait() because I need the for loop to iterate only when the completion handler inside the for loop is called. When loading the view, the app freezes. I know that the problem is that semaphore.wait() is called in the main thread. However, from reading DispatchQueue-tutorials I still don't understand how to fix this in my case. Also: do you see any easier ways to implement what I want to do?
This is my call to the function in viewDidLoad():
self.getFriends() { (friends) in
self.foundFriends = friends
And the function getFriends:
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
func getFriends(completion: @escaping ([LocalUser]) -> ()) {
var friendsUID = [String : Any]()
database.collection("friends").document(self.uid).getDocument { (docSnapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Error:", error!)
friendsUID = (docSnapshot?.data())!
var friends = [LocalUser]()
let friendsIdents = Array(friendsUID.keys)
for (idx,userID) in friendsIdents.enumerated() {
self.getUser(withUID: userID, completion: { (usr) in
var tempUser: LocalUser
tempUser = usr
if idx == friendsIdents.endIndex-1 {
print("friends at for loop completion:", friends.count)
friendsUID is a dict with each friend's uid as a key and true as the value. Since I only need the keys, I store them in the array friendsIdents. Function getUser searches the passed uid in firestore and creates the corresponding LocalUser (usr). This finally gets appended in friends array.