
We have release pipeline in the VSTS that runs on a private server using VSTS agent.

At the end of release pipeline there is a commmand line step to start executable (Nginx) file. Which succeeds but executable does not start the nginx process.

I believe process dies as soon as the parent CMD or Powershell window dies.

I have tried both CMD and Powershell (Start "exe" and Start-Process) to execute exe but none seem to be working.

Those commands run perfectly on local computer but not when running by VSTS agent on server.

You'll want to start nginx as a service, not as an executable as part of the release I suppose.jessehouwing
Nginx runs as background process when nginx.exe is executed. It is not running as service.kashpatel
But the agent keeps track of what is launched and will kill things to be sure it's not leaving stuff around. You could schedule a task to run nginx.jessehouwing
I see. As I have looked in to this more and more. Scheduling a task might be the only option.kashpatel
Create a task scheduler that watches for the output of VSTS folder every 5 minutes, i'm hoping that's an msi or build output! Task sheduler is an built in option inside windows. So if the particular output msi is found, then you can trigger a PowerShell / cmd script whatever.HariHaran