
I have a VM Scale set (which is used for Service Fabric) and I am applying some rules on CPU average and I cannot achieve to do the auto scale up. I even tried to put a CPU of 1% average and still not working. This is the criteria:

Time aggregation: Average Metric name: Percentage CPU Operator: Greater than Threshold: 1 Duration (in minutes):5

Operation:Increase count by Instance count: 1 Cool down (minutes): 5

The scale set has 5 VM and a limit of 7.

And of course the average percentage is above 1% always.



2 Answers


In this case, you can consider the following things when you troubleshoot autoscale with VMSS:

  • If you’re using a VM bigger than a single-vCPU VM size like Standard_A1 or D1, you’d need to run this load multiple times.
  • A scale-out event only takes place when the average CPU across all the VMs in a scale set exceeds the threshold value, over the time interval defined in the autoscale rules.
  • Are your scale-in and scale-out thresholds sufficiently different? ...

You can get more details from this DOC.


Try using the REST API to see what values autoscale is calculating for your scale set. If these values are still above your threshold, then double-check that you haven't fallen into configuration pitfalls ("flapping" scenarios where a scale-out would cause an immediate scale-in, targetResourceUri is actually the resource you want (which may be different from the metricResourceUri), cooldown isn't excessively long, etc.).

I wrote up a quick blog post showing how to go about this: https://negatblog.wordpress.com/2018/08/22/debugging-azure-autoscale/. Hopefully this helps! :)