I am writing an Angular 6 app. I expect it to show a loading animation when route changes as well as there is also any pending http requests. So I have 2 Observables look like this. For httpPendingRequests, I am implementing with a counter written in Angular's HttpInterceptor; and for locationChanged, I have subscribed to Router's NavigationStart/NavigationEnd events.
httpPendingRequests: BehaviorSubject<number>;
locationChanged: BehaviorSubject<boolean>;
And I am using concatMap to subscribe to these 2 Observables, code looks like this:
concatMap(changed => {
console.log('location change:' + changed);
if (changed) {
return this.httpPendingRequests;
} else {
return of(0);
map(count => count > 0)
).subscribe(val => {
console.log('isloading: ' + val);
So I expect this to log 'isloading' to console only when location has been changed, plus if there is any pending requests. It does work in this scenario. However I found it also logs 'isloading' message when there is only pending http requests but location does not change. It made me confused, I thought the operator is making sure the Observables are subscribed in order? If the first one(location change) does not emit, then the second one(pending request) should not be triggered? Am I understanding this concept wrong?
Besides.. I have also tried other methods to combine Observables, zip, forkJoin, combineLatest - they all only triggered the subscription once in my case so I am also not very sure what was wrong.
I am glad to provide more informations if needed. Thanks in advance
'isloading: '
logs for one time every time the component loads, even without locationChange? – CozyAzure