How can I have the cursor kept in the right place when typing in a contenteditable div?
I am using Elm to create a text box, and I need the text in the box to be processed on every input. The reason for using a contenteditable div rather than textarea is that I need to be able to recognize certain words and make them into clickable links as you type.
The problem is that when the text gets updated, the cursor goes back to the beginning of the text, so everything is typed in back-to-front.
Here is a minimal example that demonstrates the problem:
module Main exposing (..)
import Html
import Html.Events as Hev
import Html.Attributes as Hat
import Json.Decode as Json
main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
{ model = ""
, update = update
, view = view
type Msg = NewText String
type alias Model = String
view : Model -> Html.Html Msg
view model =
[ Hat.contenteditable True
, Hev.on "input" ( NewText targetTextContent)
[ ("border", "1px solid darkgray") ]
[ Html.text model
targetTextContent : Json.Decoder String
targetTextContent = ["target", "innerText"] Json.string
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
NewText text -> text