I am using nestjs in my app backend.I use the cqrs module https://github.com/nestjs/cqrs, I read that cqrs have a commands to write operations and queries to read operation but nestjs documentation (https://docs.nestjs.com/recipes/cqrs) only has a example of command so How Do I implement a queries in nestjs?
2 Answers
Queries are handled by QueryHandlers. They implement IQueryHandler
which requires that you have an async execute
function. My personal preference is to return an Observable
from a query handler that is being executed from a controller, which is fully supported in NestJS applications.
Here's an example Query:
class GetSomeStuff {
readonly id: string;
) {}
import { QueryBus } from '@nestjs/cqrs';
class SomeController {
constructor(private queryBus: QueryBus) {}
getSomeStuff() {
return this.queryBus.execute(new GetSomeStuff('foo_id'));
Query Handler:
import { GetSomeStuff } from '@app/shared/util-queries';
import { SharedStuffDataService } from '@app/shared/stuff/data-access'
import { GetSomeStuffDto } from '@app/shared/util-models';
import { IQueryHandler, QueryHandler } from '@nestjs/cqrs';
import { from } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
export class GetSomeStuffHandler implements IQueryHandler<GetSomeStuff> {
private readonly dataService: SharedStuffDataService,
) {}
async execute(query: GetSomeStuff) {
const stuffRepo = this.dataService.connectToReadModel();
return from(stuffRepo.getOneById(query.id)).pipe(
map(stuff => new GetSomeStuffDto(stuff))
Query Handlers
get placed in the providers
section of a module, like this:
imports: [
providers: [ GetSomeStuffHandler ],
export class QueriesModule {}
There is no single recommended solution. CQRS module is all about the write-side, whereas read-side is much simpler and less complex. Use whatever fits your requirements. https://github.com/nestjs/nest/issues/985