I develop business applications where a typical database query might return hundreds or thousands of rows. Users find the excel-like filters and column sorts to be very helpful.
Hence I have implemented a class that extends ListDataProvider for use with a CellTable that supports client-side excel-like column filtering and sorting. In all other respects it behaves much like a ListDataProvider.
It depends on implementing a the following ColumnAccessor interface to provide a symbolic name for for each column in the CellTable, to provide access to column-level data for sorting and filtering, a Comparator for the column for sorting, and display label for the header. Following is the ColumnAccessor class. It assumes that you have some sort of Data Transfer Object <T> that models the rows.
* Interface to provide access to a specific
* column within a data row.
* @param <T> Object that contains the column
* values in a cell table row. Typically a Data Transfer Object.
public interface ColumnAccessor<T> {
* Filter display value for blank/null column values
public final String FILTER_SELECTOR_BLANK = "{Blank}";
* Returns A row-unique symbolic name for the column. This name is
* used as a Map key to access the ColumnAccessor instance by
* name for filtering and sorting.
* @return
public String getColumnName();
* Returns text label to appear as column header in CellTable.
* @return
public String getLabel();
* Returns value of the column as a String
* @param t Object that models the column values in a
* cell table row (Typically a Data Transfer Object)
* @return
public String getValue(T t);
* Returns Comparator for sorting data rows and for sorting
* discrete values that appear in a filter's select/option list.
* While the getValue() method always returns a String,
* these comparators should sort the column's values in
* consideration for the data type (for example, dates sorted
* as dates, numbers sorted as numbers, strings sorted as strings).
* @return
public Comparator comparator();
Following is the FilterSortDataProvider class:
import com.google.gwt.cell.client.SelectionCell;
import com.google.gwt.cell.client.ValueUpdater;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.SelectElement;
import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtmlBuilder;
import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtmlUtils;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.Header;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.ListDataProvider;
import java.util.*;
* Class that extends a ListDataProvider but adds "Excel-Like" column filters and also
* includes click on column heading sorts.
* @param <T> Object that contains the column values in a cell table row. Typically a Data Transfer Object.
public class FilterSortDataProvider<T> extends ListDataProvider {
private List<T> rows;
private List<T> filteredSortedRows;
public Map<String, DataColumn> dataColumnMap = new HashMap<String, DataColumn>();
private String lastSortColumn = "*";
private int lastSortDirection = 0;
* Constructs the DataProvider and columns
* @param rows Collection of objects that contain column data for cell table rows, typically
* Data Transfer Objects.
* @param columnAccessors List of ColumnAccessor instances for each column that will appear in
* the cell table. Each accessor will render a sortable, filterable column header
* and provides access to column-level data.
public FilterSortDataProvider(Collection<T> rows, List<ColumnAccessor> columnAccessors) {
this.rows = new ArrayList<T>(rows);
this.filteredSortedRows = new ArrayList<T>();
Iterator<ColumnAccessor> columnAccessorIterator = columnAccessors.iterator();
while (columnAccessorIterator.hasNext()) new DataColumn(columnAccessorIterator.next());
// Initialize filters
* Returns defensive copy of the current collection of filtered/sorted data rows
* @return
public List<T> getFilteredSortedRows() {
return new ArrayList(filteredSortedRows);
* Returns a CellTable Header for the named column for use when setting up the CellTable (ie:
* used as Header value in cellTable.addColumn(TextColumn, Header) call. The header includes
* the columnAccessor.getLabel() value as a click-to-sort header label, and a drop-down filter
* where the options include all available values.
* @param columnName Same value as returned by this columns ColumnAccessor.getColumnName()
* @return
public Header getColumnHeader(final String columnName) {
DataColumn column = dataColumnMap.get(columnName);
return (column != null ? new FilteredCellTableHeader(column) : null);
* Called when user clicks on column header label. Repeated clicks on the same column header will
* reverse the sort direction. Can also be called prior to display of CellTable to establish an initial
* sort order.
* @param sortColumnName
public void sort(String sortColumnName) {
if (!sortColumnName.equals("*")) {
DataColumn column = dataColumnMap.get(sortColumnName);
if (column != null) {
// Sort ascending
Collections.sort(this.filteredSortedRows, column);
// Re-Sort of same column
if (sortColumnName.equals(lastSortColumn)) {
lastSortDirection *= -1;
else {
lastSortDirection = 1;
lastSortColumn = sortColumnName;
if (lastSortDirection == -1) Collections.reverse(filteredSortedRows);
* Optional call to pre-set filter before initial display of CellTable
* @param columnName
* @param value
public void filter(String columnName, String value) {
DataColumn column = dataColumnMap.get(columnName);
if (column != null) column.filter(value);
* Filters the rows based on all of the filters, and re-builds the filter drop-down
* options.
private void filter() {
// Build collection of rows that pass all filters
filteredSortedRows = new ArrayList<T>();
Iterator<T> rowIterator = this.rows.iterator();
while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
T row = rowIterator.next();
if (rowPassesFilter(row, null)) filteredSortedRows.add(row);
// Build filter select/option list for each column based on rows
// that pass all filters EXCEPT for the column in question.
Iterator<DataColumn> columnIterator = dataColumnMap.values().iterator();
while (columnIterator.hasNext()) {
DataColumn column = columnIterator.next();
Set<String> optionsSet = new HashSet<String>();
rowIterator = this.rows.iterator();
while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
T row = rowIterator.next();
if (rowPassesFilter(row, column)) {
// Sort the options using the ColumnAccessor's comparator
List<String> optionsList = new ArrayList<String>(optionsSet);
Collections.sort(optionsList, column.comparator());
// Make blank option (if any) the last entry in the option list
if (optionsList.contains(ColumnAccessor.FILTER_SELECTOR_BLANK)) {
// Add the wild-card "All" as the first entry in the option list
optionsList.add(0, "*");
// Set the new list of options in the column
column.filterOptions = optionsList;
// Re-sort the data with consideration for the current sort column and direction
lastSortDirection *= -1;
* Returns true if the specified row passes all column filters.
* @param row Data row to test
* @param columnToIgnore When specified, this column is assumed to allow the row
* to pass the filter. This is used when building the list
* of filter select/option values.
* @return
private boolean rowPassesFilter(T row, DataColumn columnToIgnore) {
Iterator<DataColumn> columnIterator = dataColumnMap.values().iterator();
boolean passes = true;
while (columnIterator.hasNext() && passes) {
DataColumn column = columnIterator.next();
if (column != columnToIgnore) {
passes = column.rowPassesFilter(row);
return passes;
* Inner class that models a CellTable column, its ColumnAccessor, current filter value,
* and current filter option values.
public class DataColumn implements Comparator<T> {
private String filterValue = "*";
private List<String> filterOptions = new ArrayList<String>();
private ColumnAccessor columnAccessor;
* Constructs a filterable, sortable column
* @param columnAccessor
public DataColumn(final ColumnAccessor columnAccessor) {
this.columnAccessor = columnAccessor;
FilterSortDataProvider.this.dataColumnMap.put(columnAccessor.getColumnName(), this);
* Returns symbolic name of column
* @return
public String getName() {
return this.columnAccessor.getColumnName();
* Returns display label for column header
* @return
public String getLabel() {
return columnAccessor.getLabel();
* Returns value of column
* @param row
* @return
public String getValue(T row) {
return columnAccessor.getValue(row);
* Returns comparator define in ColumnAccessor for use when sorting
* data rows and for sorting filter options.
* @return
public Comparator comparator() {
return columnAccessor.comparator();
* Called when user changes the value of a column filter
* @param filterValue
public void filter(String filterValue) {
if (this.filterOptions.contains(filterValue)) {
this.filterValue = filterValue;
* Called when user clicks on column label to sort rows
public void sort() {
* Used to sort data rows. Uses comparator specified in ColumnAccessor.
* @param row1
* @param row2
* @return
public int compare(T row1, T row2) {
return comparator().compare(getValue(row1), getValue(row2));
* Returns true if specified row passes this column's filter
* @param row
* @return
public boolean rowPassesFilter(T row) {
return filterValue.equals("*") || filterValue.equals(filterOptionValue(row));
* Returns value to appear in filter options list. Null or "blank" values appear in options
* list as {Blank}.
* @param row
* @return
private String filterOptionValue(T row) {
String value = getValue(row);
return (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0 ? ColumnAccessor.FILTER_SELECTOR_BLANK : value);
* Renders Html Select/Options tag for column filter
* @return
public String toHtmlSelect() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("<select size='1' style='width: 100%;'>");
Iterator<String> opts = filterOptions.iterator();
while (opts.hasNext()) {
String escapedOption = SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(opts.next());
sb.append("\t<option value='" + escapedOption);
sb.append((escapedOption.equals(filterValue) ? "' SELECTED>" : "'>"));
sb.append(escapedOption + "</option>\n");
return sb.toString();
* Inner class Header wrapper for FilteredSortedCellTableHeaderCell
public class FilteredCellTableHeader extends Header {
public FilteredCellTableHeader(DataColumn column) {
super(new FilteredSortedCellTableHeaderCell(column));
public Object getValue() {
return null;
* CellTable SelectionCell that includes filter and sort controls, renders controls, and
* handles onBrowserEvent()
private class FilteredSortedCellTableHeaderCell extends SelectionCell {
private DataColumn column;
public FilteredSortedCellTableHeaderCell(final DataColumn column) {
super(new ArrayList<String>());
this.column = column;
* Renders Html Submit button as sort control, and Html Select/Option tag for filter.
* @param context
* @param value
* @param sb
public void render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
String sortButton = "<input type='submit' value='" + SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(column.getLabel()) +
"' style='text-align: center; width: 100%; background: none; border: none; font-weight: bold;'>";
* Detects filter and sort user interaction events
* @param context
* @param parent
* @param value
* @param event
* @param valueUpdater
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, String value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);
String type = event.getType();
Element element = event.getEventTarget().cast();
String tagName = element.getTagName();
// Filter selection changed
if ("change".equals(type) && tagName.equals("SELECT")) {
// Set filter value and call filter routine
SelectElement se = (SelectElement)element;
String filterValue = se.getOptions().getItem(se.getSelectedIndex()).getValue();
// Click on sort button
else if (type.equals("focus") && tagName.equals("INPUT")) {
I hope that this might be of help to someone.