Would like to ask for your help with the following scenario:
I need to access a table, select the row that contains the status = 'GOO' then I need to click in a button to activate the edit of this row then I click a at the last column where the check box is located (this check box is responsible to change from False to true the value in the column or vice-versa)
The click at the button I am doing in a function:
function changeConformStatus(statusCode){
Inside the same function above, I also have the action to click at the checkbox after it is displayed and the click to save it:
All the elements have the Status code after the 'US.' so thats why I am receiving the Status from the test and then passing it directly to the element locator.
My question/problem is... every time I execute the test, it works for the click at the button to edit (located in the first column of the table and same row as the checkbox I want to click) but fails for the checkbox:
"No element found using locator: By(css selector, [editable-checkbox="scopeValue.getConformMapping(scopeValue.getDataRow(US.GOO)).conform"])"
So.. How can I click at this checkBox then?
<table id="datatableDir" class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped dataTable no-footer" style="width: 100%" role="grid" aria-describedby="datatableDir_info">
<tr role="row" class="odd">
<td id="2-4" class="ng-scope">
<span editable-checkbox="scopeValue.getConformMapping(scopeValue.getDataRow('US.GOO')).conform" e-name="conform" e-form="scopeValue.rowforms['US.GOO']" e-required="" class="ng-scope ng-binding editable editable-hide">false</span>
<span class="editable-wrap editable-checkbox ng-scope">
<span class="editable-controls">
<input type="checkbox" name="conform" required="required" class="editable-input ng-touched ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-not-empty ng-valid ng-valid-required" ng-model="$data" style="">
<div class="editable-error ng-binding ng-hide" ng-show="$error" ng-bind="$error" style=""></div>
@Sanja's answer was 99% correct, I had to do this in order to solve the problem:
– bhupathi turaga