Inspired from the answer at answers.opencv link.
According to docs here
the HSV ranges like H from 0-179, S and V from 0-255,
so as for your requirements for lower range and upper range example you can do for any given [h, s, v] to
[h-10, s-40, v-40]
for lower
[h+10, s+10, v+40]
for upper
for the yellow,green,red,blue,black,white,orange
rgb values.
Copied code from the example :
import cv2
import numpy as np
image_hsv = None # global ;(
pixel = (20,60,80) # some stupid default
# mouse callback function
def pick_color(event,x,y,flags,param):
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
pixel = image_hsv[y,x]
#you might want to adjust the ranges(+-10, etc):
upper = np.array([pixel[0] + 10, pixel[1] + 10, pixel[2] + 40])
lower = np.array([pixel[0] - 10, pixel[1] - 10, pixel[2] - 40])
print(pixel, lower, upper)
image_mask = cv2.inRange(image_hsv,lower,upper)
def main():
import sys
global image_hsv, pixel # so we can use it in mouse callback
image_src = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1]) # my.png
if image_src is None:
print ("the image read is None............")
## NEW ##
cv2.setMouseCallback('hsv', pick_color)
# now click into the hsv img , and look at values:
image_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image_src,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
if __name__=='__main__':
Above code is for when you want to directly select the HSV range from the image or video you are capturing, by clicking on the desired color.
If you want to predefine your ranges you can just use write simple code snippet using inbuilt python library colorsys
to convert rbg to hsv using colorsys.rgb_to_hsv
example in docs
Note this function accepts rgb values in range of 0 to 1 only and gives hsv values also in 0 to 1 range so to use the same values you will need to normalize it for opencv
code snippet
import colorsys
convert given rgb to hsv opencv format
def rgb_hsv_converter(rgb):
(r,g,b) = rgb_normalizer(rgb)
hsv = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r,g,b)
(h,s,v) = hsv_normalizer(hsv)
upper_band = [h+10, s+40, v+40]
lower_band = [h-10, s-40, v-40]
return {
'upper_band': upper_band,
'lower_band': lower_band
def rgb_normalizer(rgb):
(r,g,b) = rgb
return (r/255, g/255, b/255)
def hsv_normalizer(hsv):
(h,s,v) = hsv
return (h*360, s*255, v*255)
rgb_hsv_converter((255, 165, 0))
will return
{'upper_band': [48.82352941176471, 295.0, 295.0], 'lower_band': [28.82352941176471, 215.0, 215.0]}
which is your orange hsv bands.