I am preparing an script that enables Diagnostics logs sending them to an Storage Account.
Get-AzureRmResource | foreach {
#For now adding all registered resources to Diagnostics Logs. Should narrow to specific resource types?
#Categories "Execution", "Request" only, the "AllMetrics" category intended to log all categories fail. Can add specific categories to each resource type.
Write-Output "Adding resource $_.ResourceId to the storage"
Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $_.ResourceId -StorageAccountId $storageid -Enabled $true -RetentionEnabled $true -RetentionInDays 90 -Categories “Execution”,“Request”
This PowerShell command matches to enable the Diagnostics Logs to the resources created within the Subscription.
What about to enable the Diagnostigs Logs in Azure Active Directory? They include Audit and Sign-In logs?
Can someone please adivice?
Many thanks!
I am required to automate the following with PowerShell:
1. Go to Azure Portal
2. On the left blade, select Azure Active Directory
3. Select Audit Logs or Sign-In logs 4. On the top Menu, select Export Data Settings
5.Click Add diagnostic setting
6. Check Archive to Storage Account and Set Retention days.
Process described in video:
Video discussing Azure AD reports shows how to enable the Logs, I am required to automate enabling the logs, not getting the report