
I'm trying to create a new column in my data frame that is based off another column having a certain unique value. I have successfully done this by using the case_when argument inside a mutate. However, I would like to use a str_detect because I have a great deal of data and I don't want to have to type every single unique value because most are the same just different by the last few numbers in the string.. I keep getting errors when I try to use str_detect inside of the case_when.. does any one know how I can achieve this?

dput of data:

structure(list(locid = c("21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", 
"21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", 
"21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", 
"21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380"), parameter = c("Alkalinity, Carbonate as CaCO3", 
"Alkalinity, Carbonate as CaCO3", "Alkalinity, Carbonate as CaCO3", 
"Alkalinity, Carbonate as CaCO3", "Alkalinity, Carbonate as CaCO3", 
"Ammonia-nitrogen as N", "Ammonia-nitrogen as N", "Ammonia-nitrogen as N", 
"Ammonia-nitrogen as N", "Barometric pressure"), ActivityStartDate = structure(c(13902, 
13986, 14075, 14179, 14271, 13902, 13986, 14075, 14271, 13902
), class = "Date"), ActivityEndDate = c(NA_character_, NA_character_, 
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, 
NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_), Samples = c(1L, 
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), MinValue = c(26, 44, 40, 
28, 25, 0.12, 0.01, 0.05, 0.13, 760), MaxValue = c(26, 44, 40, 
28, 25, 0.12, 0.01, 0.05, 0.13, 760), Average = c(26, 44, 40, 
28, 25, 0.12, 0.01, 0.05, 0.13, 760), HUC14 = c("HUC02040201040070", 
"HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", 
"HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", 
"HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070"
), Trib = c("HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", 
"HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", 
"HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", "HUC02040201040070", 
"HUC02040201040070")), .Names = c("locid", "parameter", "ActivityStartDate", 
"ActivityEndDate", "Samples", "MinValue", "MaxValue", "Average", 
"HUC14", "Trib"), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = c("grouped_df", 
"tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), vars = c("locid", "parameter", 
"ActivityStartDate"), drop = TRUE, indices = list(0L, 1L, 2L, 
    3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L), group_sizes = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), biggest_group_size = 1L, labels = structure(list(
    locid = c("21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", 
    "21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", 
    "21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", "21NJDEP1-01464380", 
    "21NJDEP1-01464380"), parameter = c("Alkalinity, Carbonate as CaCO3", 
    "Alkalinity, Carbonate as CaCO3", "Alkalinity, Carbonate as CaCO3", 
    "Alkalinity, Carbonate as CaCO3", "Alkalinity, Carbonate as CaCO3", 
    "Ammonia-nitrogen as N", "Ammonia-nitrogen as N", "Ammonia-nitrogen as N", 
    "Ammonia-nitrogen as N", "Barometric pressure"), ActivityStartDate = structure(c(13902, 
    13986, 14075, 14179, 14271, 13902, 13986, 14075, 14271, 13902
    ), class = "Date")), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame", vars = c("locid", 
"parameter", "ActivityStartDate"), drop = TRUE, .Names = c("locid", 
"parameter", "ActivityStartDate")))


   mutate(Trib=case_when(HUC14 == "HUC02040202100060" ~ "Pennsauken",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202100050" ~ "Pennsauken",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202100020" ~ "Pennsauken",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202100030" ~ "Pennsauken",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202100040" ~ "Pennsauken",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202100010" ~ "Pennsauken",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202150010" ~ "Raccoon",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202150060" ~ "Raccoon",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202150020" ~ "Raccoon",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202150040" ~ "Raccoon",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202150050" ~ "Raccoon",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202150030" ~ "Raccoon",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202080040"~ "Rancocas",
                         HUC14 == "HUC02040202080030"~ "Rancocas",
                         HUC14 == str_detect(HUC14,"HUC020402020600"~ "Rancocas"),TRUE ~ HUC14))

As you can see most of the HUC14 strings are the same for each just different by a few numbers.

So what are you trying to use for your str_detect? It seems like this might actually be a regex question more than a case_when question, since you already have a case_when call setupcamille
@camille edited to show what I have tried for str_detectNBE
you just have the syntax wrong: str_detect(HUC14,"HUC020402020600") ~ "Rancocas"Chris
HUC14 == str_detect(HUC14,"HUC020402020600"~ "Rancocas") doesn't make sense. str_detect returns a true/false, so unless HUC14 might contain a logical value, you wouldn't be comparing those two things. You also have the ~ part of that line inside of you str_detectcamille
It would be helpful if you removed the columns of data that we don't need to address this problem, to keep the example minimal.camille

2 Answers

HUC_wq_summary <- HUC_wq_summary %>%          
         mutate(Trib=case_when(str_detect(HUC14,".*000[1-6]0") ~ "Pennsauken", #Search for 000 followed by a digit from 1-6 followed by 0
                               str_detect(HUC14,".*500[1-6]0" ) ~ "Raccoon", 
                               str_detect(HUC14,".*800[34]0" ) ~ "Rancocas",  #Search for 800 followed by 3 or 4 followed by 0
                               TRUE ~ HUC14)) 
HUC_wq_summary$Trib <- cut(as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", HUC_wq_summary$HUC14)), #keep only digits
    c(02040201040030, 02040202080030, 02040202100010, 02040202150010, Inf), #create intervals
    c("BlacksCrosswicks", "Rancocas", "Raccoon", "Pennsauken"), #define labels
    include.lowest = T) # close intervals on the left rather than on the right

Basically, you only keep the digits of the HUC14 variable and make it numeric. Then you create the intervals, the first from 02040201040030 to 02040202080030, which is labelled "BlacksCrosswicks", etc.