
I configured a connexion to an LDAP server from Artifactory interface, when I try to "authenticate" a USER FOR TEST (xtest), the authentication fails.

=> I am using LDAP "perspective" on Eclipse Oxygen

=> I implemented the LDAP server using ApacheDS

Here's the Directory Information Tree (DIT)


And here's the configuration on Arti interface

Config part1

Config part2

Is there a wrong "input" in the configuration? Also, would you please explain the role of "search filter" and "search base" and if they are configured the right way?

Thank you


1 Answers


What objectclasses are defined on xtest? The DN is uid=xtest,ou=xgroupe,dc=example,dc=com and it seems suspect to authenticate a group.

To answer your other questions, search base is the part of the tree to include in the search, eg. ou=xgroupe,dc=example,dc=com. Search filter is where you would include object class and attribute information, eg. (&(objectclass=person)(uid={0}).

If what you are searching for is not on the branch of the tree in the search base or it does not fulfill the filter, it will not be found.