
I am trying to upload an updated instance of a website to firebase that I pulled from my collaborator's github repo. I am getting the following error after I use command "firebase deploy":

=== Deploying to 'makany-webapp'...

i deploying hosting

Error: Specified public directory does not exist, can't deploy hosting

this is the firebase.json content:

  "hosting": {
      "public": "www",
      "ignore": [
      "rewrites": [
          "source": "/public/**",
          "destination": "/public.html"
          "source": "**",
          "destination": "/index.html"

I am trying to deploy from the directory where the firebase.json resides. This same directory contains a "src" folder which contains the index.html file as well as other folder.

current directory and src directory

I believe I had to change my src folder name to wwwmkn

1 Answers


my bad. I had to change my src folder name to www