
I have a custom-subclassed NSWindow which is made into a fullscreen borderless window with NSBordelessWindowMask. It works perfectly, and as far as I can see, there are no problems or anything strange about the window itself.

What I am trying to figure out why exactly a custom-subclassed NSView within the aforementioned window is respoding to setFrame: requests in an odd manner. Rather than simply taking the requests as they are, it seems they are going through some sort of change - for example, setting the x coordinate to 25 and the width to 800 does not put the right edge of the view at 825 as one would expect. Instead, the width/height grow along with the x and y coordinates, even though they report the proper numbers when asked by [view frame].size.width with an NSLog.

The sizing masks should not be an issue, as I have disabled them entirely and get the same result with several different configurations.

Has anybody else experienced this type of behavior?

Can you post some code so we can see how you are creating the window and view?Rob Keniger

1 Answers


Without seeing the code that you're using to create the window/view it's hard to know what might be causing this. That said, if you're targeting Leopard of later, there's a built in way to make a view go fullscreen which might help. The method is enterFullScreenMode:withOptions: on NSView. If you want the entire window to go fullscreen you can call this on the contentView of the the window. This may not fix your bug, but it should simplify things a bit at least.