I'm confused as to how to enable code coverage for unit tests while writing a Dart application. I have a number of non-web based tests -- they test methods of my domain model used by my web app. These methods don't need to run in the browser for unit testing.
Right now, I run them in the Idea Intellij Community Edition IDE by creating a run configuration for "Run all tests in /test directory".
I can also run them via the terminal like this: "pub run test".
I've read the following guides:
However I cannot seem to get anything to work. Following the guides above, I assume I have to do this from the terminal:
$ collect_coverage --uri=http://... -o coverage.json --resume-isolates
But I see nowhere I can get the URI mentioned. The documentation says "where --uri specifies the Observatory URI emitted by the VM."
Okaaaay... Where do I see the URI emitted by the VM?
Reading other sections of the guide, I see that I can start standalone Dart apps in the Observatory like so:
$ dart --observe <script>.dart
I have tried selecting one of the unit test files and invoking it using that command, like this:
$ dart --observe test/die_roll_test.dart
Observatory listening on
00:00 +0: can be constructed from a String
00:00 +1: should create normalized DieRoll
00:00 +2: can denormalize
00:00 +3: can add
00:00 +4: can subtract
00:00 +5: can multiply
00:00 +6: can divide
00:00 +7: All tests passed!
vm-service: isolate(297422250) 'die_roll_test.dart:main()' has no debugger attached and is paused at exit. Connect to Observatory at to debug.
Visiting URL in my browser yields an empty page with the title 'Dart VM Observatory'.
In any case, I can try issuing the code coverage command using that URL:
$ collect_coverage --uri= coverage.json --resume-isolates
This spits out a huge glob of text, but I don't see a coverage.json file created anywhere.
Ideally, this could be integrated with the IDE so I can choose coverage as an option when running the unit tests. But even if I have to live with command line utilities, how do I get it work?
If it helps, I'm running on Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra, with Dart 2.0.0 and test 1.3.0.