
I have a data type

data N a = N a [N a]

of rose trees and Applicative instance

instance Applicative N where
 pure a = N a (repeat (pure a))
 (N f xs) <*> (N a ys) = N (f a) (zipWith (<*>) xs ys)

and need to prove the Applicative laws for it. However, pure creates infinitely deep, infinitely branching trees. So, for instance, in proving the homomorphism law

pure f <*> pure a = pure (f a)

I thought that proving the equality

zipWith (<*>) (repeat (pure f)) (repeat (pure a)) = repeat (pure (f a))

by the approximation (or take) lemma would work. However, my attempts lead to "vicious circles" in the inductive step. In particular, reducing

approx (n + 1) (zipWith (<*>) (repeat (pure f)) (repeat (pure a))


(pure f <*> pure a) : approx n (repeat (pure (f a)))

where approx is the approximation function. How can I prove the equality without an explicit coinductive proof?

Why would you want to prove it without using coinduction? Just as induction is the natural proof method for data like finite lists/trees, coinduction is the natural proof method for codata, like streams or your "infinitely deep, infinitely branching trees".Alexey Romanov
In particular, because the proof operates at the level of "program syntax." A proof of bisimilarity does not.emi
this looks like a good candidate for the cstheory stackexchange site, especially if you stated it in slightly more general/formal terms.sclv

3 Answers


I'd use the universal property of unfolds (since repeat and a suitably uncurried zipWith are both unfolds). There's a related discussion on my blog. But you might also like Ralf Hinze's papers on unique fixpoints ICFP2008 (and the subsequent JFP paper).

(Just checking: all your rose trees are infinitely wide and infinitely deep? I'm guessing that the laws won't hold otherwise.)


The following is a sketch of something that I think works and remains at the level of programmatic syntax and equational reasoning.

The basic intuition is that it is much easier to reason about repeat x than it is to reason about a stream (and worse yet, a list) in general.

uncons (repeat x) = (x, repeat x)

zipWithAp xss yss = 
    let (x,xs) = uncons xss
        (y,ys) = uncons yss
    in (x <*> y) : zipWithAp xs ys

-- provide arguments to zipWithAp
zipWithAp (repeat x) (repeat y) = 
    let (x',xs) = uncons (repeat x)
        (y',ys) = uncons (repeat y)
    in (x' <*> y') : zipWithAp xs ys

-- substitute definition of uncons...
zipWithAp (repeat x) (repeat y) = 
    let (x,repeat x) = uncons (repeat x)
        (y,repeat y) = uncons (repeat y)
    in (x <*> y) : zipWithAp (repeat x) (repeat y)

-- remove now extraneous let clause
zipWithAp (repeat x) (repeat y) = (x <*> y) : zipWithAp (repeat x) (repeat y)

-- unfold identity by one step
zipWithAp (repeat x) (repeat y) = (x <*> y) : (x <*> y) : zipWithAp (repeat x) (repeat y)

-- (co-)inductive step
zipWithAp (repeat x) (repeat y) = repeat (x <*> y)

Why do yo need coinduction? Just induct.

pure f <*> pure a = pure (f a)

can also be written (you need to prove the left and right equality)

N f [(pure f)] <*> N a [(pure a)] = N (f a) [(pure (f a))]

which allows you to off one term at a time. That gives you your induction.