My web host is shutting down - as they have been bought out. I am having difficulty getting my SSL certificate from them.. I am on my 3rd attempt and I have managed to get 2 files.. one I believe is the initial CSR, the Other is my Private Key .KEY file (although the Hosting Provider has been giving me them and claiming they are .crt - they are not) - that would be my actual Certificate!
I have my CSR file which is headed by -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----, I have my Private KEY file which is headed by -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
Is there any way fro me to use both of these components to produce my .crt file - I am not sure if my hosting provider (what is left of their support team ) knows the difference between these three files. Of course I am certainly learning myself. I had just purchased that cert from them about 4 months ago and I need it.
So is there any way I can use my two files .CSR and .KEY to generate my .crt file ?