
Question about implicit lambda conversions. I have this type:

class A {
  A(std::function<void(std::string)> func) {

Which I believe has a valid copy constructor.

As I would like to do the following

A a = [](std::string param) { ... };


void MyFunc(A a) { ... }  // definition

MyFunc([](std::string param) { ... });  // call

Yet both these yield compile error:

note: candidate constructor not viable: no known conversion from '(lambda at ....)' to 'std::function' for 1st argument

Why is this? Or should this be possible?

Dummying up some simple code and trying it with gcc 8.1.1 shows that constructing the object using uniform initialization syntax works fine. I won't bother writing up an answer because it's highly likely that your real code does not resemble these isolated code snippets which only vaguely resemble C++ code, and because of that your real issue might be somewhere else. You need to take a tour of stackoverflow.com, go to the help center, read the instructions for creating a minimal reproducible example, and then edit your question, above, providing a self-contained minimal reproducible example that demonstrates your compilation error.Sam Varshavchik
Docs claim it should work for lambdas (emphasis added): "Instances of std::function can store, copy, and invoke any Callable target -- functions, lambda expressions, bind expressions, or other function objects, as well as pointers to member functions and pointers to data members." It includes an example which stores such a lambda directly, so it should work just fine.ShadowRanger
@SamVarshavchik: Provided code exhibit the issue. but error message is not clear and misleads OP.Jarod42

1 Answers


Your problem is that only one user conversion is allowed and you need two:

  • lamba -> std::function -> A.


A a{[](std::string) {}};
MyFunc({[](std::string) {}});
