
I have integrated a the MSFT chatbot with Teams, i am able to connect and interact, however for response that are based on Adaptive Cards, i get the below error "The specified card version is not supported."

Any idea when the adaptive cards be supported with MSFT teams.

Environment: Adaptive Cards v


1 Answers


Adaptive cards are now supported in Microsoft Teams (on desktop and web).

A couple of things to note:

  • You're using the old version of the nuget package. Please use this one: https://www.nuget.org/packages/AdaptiveCards/ (v1.0.3 is the currently the latest version)
  • Check the attachment content you're sending in your request, and make sure it's an adaptive card (instance of AdaptiveCard) w/ version = 1.0. Attachment.Content is of type object, so it's easy to accidentally put other things in there--in my case an AdaptiveCardParseResult, oops! :)