I want to retrieve all the data that is present in my resource on the azure portal. I have found out that there is a REST API for application insights that can help in retrieving the data. What I want is to get the data and generate a grid report on my web page which displays the events related information, that is, date, type, message and all the related information. I haven't worked with REST API's before and what I want as a help is a proper guideline to use this REST API in my MVC based web project in visual studio. If anyone can help will be a great assistance.
They seem to have some pretty good documentation on their site found here: dev.applicationinsights.io and docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-insights Also, it may be worth looking into RestSharp as a way to easily build requests, send them, and get the response. There's a bunch of info available for RestSharp online.
– parameter
@parameter any link to RestSharp please?
– Awais
Here you go :) restsharp.org I edited my first comment to include another link to some microsoft docs. There seemed to be more 'How-To's there.
– parameter
@parameter thanks...…..let me check and then I will reurn
– Awais
@parameter I actually want to fetch data from azure portal's resource with whom my web app is configured and I don't have any experience of working with the REST API's before.
– Awais
1 Answers
You can follow the steps below:
step 1: Get the Application ID and an API key.
Nav to your application insights -> API Access, see the screenshot(Please remember, when the api key is generated, write it down):
step 2: Understand the API Format, for details, refer to here:
Here is an example for get requests count in the last 6 hours:
This part https://api.applicationinsights.io/v1/apps/
do not need to change.
Then input your-application-id
which you get from last step.
Then you can specify metrics
or events
as per your demand.
This part requests/count
, you can refer to this, screenshot below:
The last part ?timespan=PT6H
, you can refer to this, screenshot below:
step 3: Write your code to call this api, like below:
public class Test
private const string URL_requests = "https://api.applicationinsights.io/v1/apps/your-application-id/metrics/requests/count?timespan=PT6H";
public string GetRequestsCount()
// in step 1, you get this api key
string apikey = "flk2bqn1ydur57p7pa74yc3aazhbzf52xbyxthef";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("x-api-key", apikey);
var req = string.Format(URL_requests);
HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(req).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// you can get the request count here
return response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
return response.ReasonPhrase;