How can i create a queue trigger which can take collections of items from Queue as a Trigger.
My current Queue Trigger looks like
public static async Task Run(
SocMapping myQueueItem,
IAsyncCollector<SocMapping> invalidSocMappings,
TraceWriter log,
IAsyncCollector<ProjectedVacancySummary> projectedVacancySummary,
[DocumentDB("AVFeedAudit", "AuditRecords", ConnectionStringSetting = "AVAuditCosmosDB")]
IAsyncCollector<AuditRecord<object, object>> auditRecord)
but I want something like (which can take n number of items from Queue) [ The below code throws exception and says it to be json array ]
public static async Task Run(
***List<SocMapping> myQueueItem,***
IAsyncCollector<SocMapping> invalidSocMappings,
TraceWriter log,
IAsyncCollector<ProjectedVacancySummary> projectedVacancySummary,
[DocumentDB("AVFeedAudit", "AuditRecords", ConnectionStringSetting = "AVAuditCosmosDB")]
IAsyncCollector<AuditRecord<object, object>> auditRecord)
As i want to do the batch processing of the Queue Item as well as the Function should only be triggered if any item present in the queue . Want to Take(10) from the Queue and process the trigger function.
How can i achieve this ?