In vuex module I'm getting data (documents and favorites) from 2 different sources and I need to loop over the documents and assign favorites to a document.
I created a reusable function outside the vuex module to help me do this:
const bindFavoriteToDocument = (documents, favorites) => {
// reset selected favorites
favorites.forEach(item => {
item.selected = false
documents.forEach(item => {
var favs =
favorites.filter(f => {
var filter = f.favoriteDocuments.filter(
d => d.document === parseInt( && d.source.toLowerCase().trim() ===
return !!filter.length
}) || []
favs.forEach(item => {
item.selected = true
item.favorites = favs
item.favoriteIds = _.pluck(favs, 'id') = false
return documents
When everything the favorite objects are updated, I call this function to refresh the list of favorites assigned to a document.
deleteFavorite: async ({ dispatch, commit, rootGetters }, payload) => {
const response = await remove(config.PORTAL_API + 'api/favorite/delete/' +, rootGetters.token)
if (response) {
await dispatch('getFavorites')
const documents = bindFavoriteToDocument(rootGetters['document/documents'], rootGetters['document/favorites'])
commit('setDocuments', documents)
After editing a favorite, I'll seeing this error in the console:
Error: [vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.
how do I create a new copy of documents and favorites in bindFavoriteToDocument
that doesn't directly mutate the store state?
I have tried:
const bindFavoriteToDocument = (documents, favorites) => {
let favoriteList = favorites
let documentList = documents
return documentList
but that didn't work.