I have 3 Post Build Events, the first event is invalid and should create an (exited with code 3) error when compiling my application. The question I have is why is VS 2017 not throwing the error when I compile my application?
if I remove the 2 xcopy events and leave the invalid event as the sole event in my Build Events then VS shows the error as expected but only when it is the sole build event.
My Build Events look like this (below), where the path to SignTool.exe is indeed invalid. The build event does indeed fail (the exe is not signed) but no error is reported unless I remove the 2 xcopy commands, Can anyone explain?
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKsZZ\Windows\v7.1A\Bin\SignTool.exe" sign /f "C:\Data\Visual Studio\CodeSigningCertificate\Cert2020.pfx" /p deznads $(TargetPath)
xcopy $(TargetPath) E:\Data\RotoApps\WIP\bin\x86\Debug\*.* /y
xcopy $(TargetPath) E:\Data\RotoApps\WIP\bin\x86\Release\*.* /y