I have a delimited text file with delimiter as ~|^
I need to ingest this file into marklogic using MLCP. For this I tried MLCP ingestion using 2 ways.
Using MLCP without options file
mlcp.sh import -username admin -password admin -input_file_type delimited_text -delimiter "~|^" -document_type json -host localhost -database test -port 8052 -output_uri_prefix /test/data/ -generate_uri -output_uri_suffix .json \-output_collections "Test" -input_file_path inputfile1.csv
Using MLCP with options file
mlcp.sh import -username admin -password admin -options_file delim.opt -document_type json -host localhost -database test -port 8052 -output_uri_prefix /test/data/ -generate_uri -output_uri_suffix .json \-output_collections "Test" -input_file_path inputfile1.csv
My options file looks like this (delim.opt):
But in both the ways, mlcp didnt work and I got the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid delimiter: ~|^
Can anyone please help me with how I can ingest these types of CSV files through MLCP into MarkLogic?