I have two datasets: one with thousands of rows that has information about clients (one row per client) and more than 100 variables; and another one which is the result of a Machine Learning process that has some important values of the top 10 most important client's variables (one row per variable).
I want to create a chart that displays the variable in the first dataset that has the highest value in the second dataset. The variables in the second dataset are:
[Dataset]: is a variable that is the same for all the dataset, and is used to fix a calculation (string).
[Variables]: is a list with the names of the most important variables (string).
[Correlation With Target]: is the correlation between the variable in that row and a target variable (float).
This are the calculations that I have made. The first calculated field is created in the second dataset, and the other two calculated fields are created in the first dataset.
Highest Correlation:
IF ABS([Correlation With Target])=={ FIXED [Dataset]:MAX(ABS([Correlation With Target]))} THEN [Variables] ELSE null END
Variable Number:
CASE ATTR([Sheet1 (Variable Dataset)].[Highest Correlation])
WHEN "Borrower Age" THEN 1
WHEN "Credit score - Borrower" THEN 2
WHEN "Monthly Disposable Income" THEN 3
WHEN "Loan Term" THEN 4
WHEN "Monthly Interest Rate" THEN 6
WHEN "Outstanding Principal Balance" THEN 7
WHEN "Years at Address" THEN 8
WHEN "Years in Employment" THEN 9
Correlation Graph:
IF {[Highest Correlation]=1} THEN [Borrower Age]
ELSEIF {[Highest Correlation]=2} THEN [Credit Score]
ELSEIF {[Highest Correlation]=3} THEN [Income]
ELSEIF {[Highest Correlation]=4} THEN [Loan Term]
ELSEIF {[Highest Correlation]=5} THEN [LTV]
ELSEIF {[Highest Correlation]=6} THEN [Interest Rate]
ELSEIF {[Highest Correlation]=7} THEN [Outstanding Principal Balance]
ELSEIF {[Highest Correlation]=8} THEN [Years at Address]
ELSEIF {[Highest Correlation]=9} THEN [Years in Employment]
The problem is that in the 3rd calculation, when calling the [Highest Correlation] field, it throws this error:
"All fields in a level of detail expression must came from the same datasource"
What would be the turn around for this problem?
PS: I can't share the workbooks or data, but I will answer any question related to it so I can help you to help me.