
Any benchmark available on restoring X TB snapshot from a N node Redshift cluster to another N node Redshift cluster?

For e.g. a 10 TB snapshot from a 12 node Redshift cluster takes 1 day to restore in another 12 node Redshift cluster? is it more like 1 day for the above or 1 week?

We are trying to get a benchmark.

Thank you


1 Answers


When you restore from a snapshot, Amazon Redshift creates a new cluster and makes the new cluster available before all of the data is loaded, so you can begin querying the new cluster immediately. The cluster streams data on demand from the snapshot in response to active queries, then loads the remaining data in the background.

"Amazon Redshift Snapshots"

The new cluster (restore target) becomes available very quickly. You can start running all queries and Redshift will retrieve any missing data from the snapshot.

Total time taken to finish restoring all data from the snapshot depends on multiple factors: