
I have a project in Xamarin Forms which was started with Target Framework as Oreo i.e 8.0. But my app was constantly crashing on lower end devices hence I decided to downgrade to Android 4.4 as my target Framework. I downgraded all my nuget packages to suitable versions. But I still get following errors:

max res 19, skipping values-v21 "max res 19, skipping values-v21" in aapt.exe           
max res 19, skipping values-ldltr-v21 "max res 19, skipping values-ldltr-v21" in aapt.exe           
max res 19, skipping drawable-v21 "max res 19, skipping drawable-v21" in aapt.exe           
max res 19, skipping values-v23 "max res 19, skipping values-v23" in aapt.exe   
max res 19, skipping values-v22 "max res 19, skipping values-v22" in aapt.exe   
max res 19, skipping drawable-v23 "max res 19, skipping drawable-v23" in aapt.exe
max res 19, skipping anim-v21 "max res 19, skipping anim-v21" in aapt.exe           
max res 19, skipping values-v23 "max res 19, skipping values-v23" in aapt.exe   
max res 19, skipping color-v23 "max res 19, skipping color-v23" in aapt.exe 
No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:elevation' in values.xml   

Can someone please help me?


2 Answers


The Xamarin.Forms requirements are that you have to use the latest Android compile and target API level....

Additionally, the target/compile version for Android projects must be set to Use latest installed platform. However the minimum version can be set to API 15 so you can continue to support devices that use Android 4.0.3 and newer. These values are set in the Project Options:

re: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/get-started/installation?tabs=vswin#android


No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:elevation' in values.xml

You should change your target at least 5.0 because elevation attribute came into picture in android 5.0 only. So with kit-kat it not going to work. Either remove elevation or change your target version.