In typeorm, I am trying to use a subscriber decorator to hash users password before persisting to the database. Unfortunately, I can't find a reference in the docs.
In sequelizejs, I use the following code,
User.hashPassword = (user, options) => {
if (!user.changed('password')) {
return null;
// hash password
return Bcrypt.hash(user.get('password'), SALT_ROUNDS)
.then(hash => user.set('password', hash));
Right now, I am trying to migrate the code to typeorm
and my translation is roughly
hashPassword() {
// conditional to detect if password has changed goes here
this.password = bcrypt.hashSync(this.password, SALT_ROUNDS);
The issue is, I stuck at !user.changed('password')
. Is there an equivalent function in typeorm
to do this without rolling out my own solution?
property is present in the update request. If it is present, confirm that it is a plain string to prevent a double hash. Then manually run thebcrypt.hash()
on the plain string before persisting. – adetoola