Hi i am working on a ROR project with ruby-2.5.1 and rails 5. I am using cucumber in my rails app to test api i am new with cucumber. when i am trying to define feature for invalid data i am getting the error expected 422 got 200.
my feature file:
Feature: Registration Endpoint
Scenario: User registration
Given an application with application_id "1"
When the client make a valid POST /registartions request with application_id: "1"
Then response should have status 200
Scenario: using blank application id
When the client make a POST /registartions request with blank application-id
Then response should have status 422 and JSON:
{ "error": "application_id does not exists" }
my steps file:
Given("an application with application_id {string}") do |string|
When("the client make a valid POST \/registartions request with application_id: {string}") do |string|
params = {
"email": "[email protected]",
header 'application-id', "#{string}"
post '/api/registrations', params
Then("response should have status {int}") do |int|
expect(last_response.status).to be(int)
When("the client make a POST \/registartions request with blank application-id") do
params = {
"email": "[email protected]",
header 'application-id', ''
post '/api/registrations', params
Then("response should have status {int} and JSON:") do |int, string|
expect(last_response.status).to be(int)
Please help me to fix this issue i am writting this cucumber first time so i don't have the idea how to test with invalid data. Please help me. Thanks in advance.