When I load a collection into memory for the first time, it is all in the memory (i can see it in the task manager), but over time I can see that only part of the original size is taken by arangod
process. Besides, when I execute a query, retrieving data from that collection, I can see that disk usage is growing for a short period of time and the size of used RAM is growing aswell.
I'd like to avoid it. How can I do it?
I see that collections have the property isVolatile
isVolatile: If true then the collection data will be kept in memory only and ArangoDB will not write or sync the data to disk.
it is almost what I want but
Unloading the collection will cause the collection data to be discarded. Stopping or re-starting the server will also cause full loss of data in the collection
Can I somehow keep the whole collection in memory but without losing data after unloading?