
i am using the following connectionstring

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + Convert.ToString(pa) + ";" + "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0

but when a column contains only numeric value it reads it as empty

any idea? kindly help

does your excel column contain only numeric values or does it also include string values? If there is a header for the columns then you have to use HDR=1; option in the connection string.Devendra D. Chavan
@Devendra: it may include string and numeric values as well,Headers are not mandatory.. but while reading i get the 1st row as header row.but if i set HDR=1 then always 1st row will be treated as header.if 1st row is empty then 2nd row will be treated as header,but y the numeric values are not read?vakas

1 Answers


Read this blog post


to understand better what is happening here. To make it short: using OleDb to read Excel sheets is very unreliable by (bad!) design. Here is a much better alternative (for the old non-XML Excel file format):


(under the Files section you will find a C# port of this Java library).