I have 2 users. Both users have the same model desktop with the same version of windows(8), the same version of Office(2013), the same version of Outlook. Both machines are hooked up to the network and get regular updates.
Both users are required to send emails from a shared account. The emails MUST be sent from the shared account and CANNOT show either user's email address.
Long story short, the following macro works for only one of the users. When user 2 runs the macro, the emails are sent from his draft folder not the shared one.
If I go into each user's account settings and set the shared account name to the local alias, then the macro doesn't work for either one although it used to work for user 2 and not user 1. For whatever reason, that stopped working about a year ago.
If I go into each user's account settings and set the shared account name to the full email address, then it only works for user 1.
This establishes the connection (or should) to the shared folder.
'Establish Outlook Settings.
70 Dim objOutlookApp As Object: Set objOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
71 Dim objOutlookMail As Object
72 Dim eaEMail As Variant
73 Dim varSignature As Variant
74 Dim objNameSpace As Object: Set objNameSpace = objOutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
'Make sure the "Drafts" folder isn't active.
75 Dim objMyInbox As Object: Set objMyInbox = objNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(6) 'olFolderInbox
'Find the Shared Mailbox.
76 Dim objShareDraft As Object
77 For Each objShareDraft In objNameSpace.Folders
78 If objShareDraft.Name Like "The Folder I Need" Then Exit For
79 Next objShareDraft
80 If objShareDraft Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 42, , "Mailbox Not Found."
81 Set objShareDraft = objShareDraft.Folders("Drafts")
This generates the email and attaches a file.
82 For Each objFile In objFiles
'Do Stuff.
143 Set objOutlookMail = objOutlookApp.CreateItem(0)
144 With objOutlookMail
145 If blnTEST = False Then
146 .SentOnBehalfOfName = "[email protected]"
147 End If
'Capture Signature Block.
148 .Display
149 varSignature = .HTMLBody
'Look up supplier addressees from a dictionary (dnySuppAddr).
154 If dnySuppAddr.Exists(strClientNm) Then
.To = dnySuppAddr(strClientNm)(0)
.CC = dnySuppAddr(strClientNm)(1)
155 End If
156 .Attachments.Add sOutPath
157 .Subject = "Invoice For " & strClientNm & " - week-ending " & dtWkEnd
158 .HTMLBody = "<font size=4><p>Invoice for week-ending " & dtWkEnd & "</p>" & _
"<p>Includes: " & strClientNm & "</p>" & _
"<p>Total amount: " & Format(TotalAmt, "Currency") & "</p>" & _
"<p>Please review and process for payment.</p>" & _
159 .Close 0 'olSave
This is where it fails to work. There is no error thrown. It just doesn't move the email from user 2's draft to the shared draft.
160 If blnTEST = False Then
161 For Each eaEMail In objNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(16).Items 'olFolderDrafts
162 If eaEMail.Subject Like "Invoice For " & strClientNm & " - week-ending " & dtWkEnd Then eaEMail.Move objShareDraft
163 Next eaEMail
164 End If
165 End With
Clearly changing the user's account settings makes a difference, but I'm stumped as to why the code would otherwise work for one user and not another. Any help is greatly appreciated.
? – Siddharth Rout