
I'm using this https://github.com/swimlane/ngx-datatable/blob/master/demo/basic/filter.component.ts to help me create a search in my table.

My goal is to create an advanced search : filter by both gender and name value

  rows = [
{ name: 'Austin', gender: 'Male', company: 'Swimlane' },
{ name: 'Dany', gender: 'Male', company: 'KFC' },
{ name: 'Molly', gender: 'Female', company: 'Burger King' },
columns = [
{ prop: 'name' },
{ name: 'Gender' },
{ name: 'Company' }

@ViewChild(DatatableComponent) table: DatatableComponent;


constructor() {
    this.temp = this.rows;

updateFilter(event) {
    const val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();

    const temp = this.temp.filter(function (d) {
        return d.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;

    this.rows = temp;

 updateFilter1(event) {
  const val = event.target.value.toLowerCase();

  const temp = this.temp.filter(function (d) {
      return d.gender.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) !== -1 || !val;
  this.rows = temp;

I just copy my search creating a second function filtering by gender. However, both search works separately (erasing the restriction of the other) and I don't know how to fix it.

Here you can find my html :

    style='padding:8px;margin:15px auto;width:30%;'
    placeholder='Type to filter the name column...'
    style='padding:8px;margin:15px auto;width:30%;'
    placeholder='Type to filter the name column...'
Do you want do separate inputs or one input that checks on both?canpan14
I prefer separate input to allow me create search in several columnsJonor
Ok easy enough. Have each filter when called, save it's value it's going to filter on in some variable up top. Then when they run, they will also filter on whatever the other one last ran on. Let me know if that was a bad explanation and I'll write up some code.canpan14
It's very clear but I don't know how to create this variable which will keep my first search. I will try it, if you can give me some codes with, it would be perfect.Jonor
Ok give me a few minutes.canpan14

1 Answers

... // other vars you already have
previousNameFilter = ''
previousGenderFilter = ''

filterByName(event) {
  const filter = event.target.value
  this.previousNameFilter = filter
  this.temp = this.filterRows(filter, this.previousGenderFilter)

filterByGender(event) {
  const filter = event.target.value
  this.previousGenderFilter = filter
  this.temp = this.filterRows(this.previousNameFilter, filter)

filterRows(nameFilter, genderFilter): any[] {
  nameFilter = nameFilter.toLowerCase()
  genderFilter = genderFilter.toLowerCase()

  return this.rows.filter(row => {
    const isPartialNameMatch = row.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(nameFilter) !== -1 || !nameFilter
    const isPartialGenderMatch = row.gender.toLowerCase().indexOf(genderFilter) !== -1 || !genderFilter
    return isPartialNameMatch && isPartialGenderMatch

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