I have a shiny app that has a function that takes couple of minutes to compute. I want the user to be aware that the function is running and to wait (and not press the button again for example)
I built a dependencies of objects, hoping that it will show a 'wait' message, but for some reason it's not working.
In my server file I have this-
function(input, output, session) {
inProgressValue <- reactiveVal('')
inProgressValue2 <- reactiveVal(0)
myCalculatedValue <- reactive(NULL)
inProgressEvent <- observeEvent(input$myButton,{
inProgressValue('In progress please wait')
inProgressEvent2 <- observeEvent(inProgressValue(),{
longFunctionEvent <- observeEvent(inProgressEvent2(),{
#make some calculations
output$waiting <- renderText({
output$mainData <- renderPlot({
#do some stuff with myCalculatedValue()
In the ui file I have-
I was hoping that when the myButton
would be clicked and the value would change, the first observer will be triggered and inProgressValue()
would change to 'In progress please wait' which would be printed in the application. Then the second observer will be triggered and the value of inProgressValue2()
would be set to the myButton
value, all the calculation will be executed, the value of inProgressValue()
would be changed back to an empty string that would not be shown, (the second observer would be triggered again, but the value of the button is still the same, so this should not cause the calculations to happen again)
The waiting message is never displayed, and the computation of the long function happens before the message is shown in the app.
I was trying to use eventReactive
instead of observeEvent
, but for some reason the values didn't change when I clicked the button.
I read this difference between observeEvent and eventReactive and some other questions about the 2 functions, but could not figure out why my eventReactive didn't work, and used observers with reactive values instead.