I create custom task for tfs build 2017 that work on windows os, the task logic was written using powershell script and it's work ok.
When I try to implement the same logic for linux using node I have some problems:
pickList input type, I can't get value from this input
var tl = require('vso-task-lib'); let project = tl.getInput('project', true); echo.arg(project);
Is there other way to read value from pickList?multiLine input type, When I print the value I don't see the first line.
var tl = require('vso-task-lib'); var json = tl.getInput('json', true); echo.arg(json);
if you know good Docomantation how to create custom task for TFS 2017/8, How to debug custom task (set up environment) it will be very helpful.