
Grouped Stacked bar chart(Sample)

                .margins({top: 5, right: 5, bottom: 20, left: 10})

Please, Post any working example for 'Grouped stacked bar' chart using dc.js.

Hi @Ashutosh, sorry but this is the wrong kind of question for SO. I removed a couple of vague tags that are likely to bring wrath and down/close votes. I'm not sure what you mean by "passing numeric value" - those methods take a group and an optional name and accessor as arguments. There are at least one or two examples of stacked bar on the site.Gordon
I'm sure you can find many more examples - just google dc.js stacked bar!Gordon
@Gordon Thanks for your reply. But, i don't need Stacked bar chart needed Grouped stacked bar chart. Sample screen-shots, i have added and edited question. please, check and share any working example for Grouped stacked bar chart.Ashutosh Kumar Sharma
Got it - that does make sense as an SO question then, although it's not too hard to search and find the answer I gave below.Gordon

1 Answers


This isn't part of the core library yet, but there is an active pull request which you can use:


There is a built version on a branch, so if you are using npm, you can specify the dependency

"dc": "git://github.com/dc-js/dc.js.git#grouped-stacked-3",

Or just clone the repo and use the grouped-stacked-3 branch.

The branch contains these examples:


EDIT: That's wild, I see it still doesn't have an example of grouped+stacked bars. I'll see if I can fix that; until then I think this plunkr is the best example

grouped stacked