In my game, I make a sphere (created using a-sphere), a dynamic body, collide with another dynamic body (a-box).
Upon collision, the sphere breaks into multiple smaller spheres. I need to stop this disintegration
Here is the codepen - sphere breaks on collision with dynamic body
Here is the accompanying code -
<a-scene physics="debug: true; gravity: -5.0">
<a-entity camera="userHeight: 1.6"
<a-entity cursor
position="0 0 -1"
geometry="primitive: circle; radius: 0.01; segments: 4;"
material="color: #FF4444; shader: flat"></a-entity>
<a-entity position="0 0 1" id="attachment"></a-entity>
<a-entity geometry="primitive: box; height:2" material="color: black; shader: flat" position="0 2 -5" dynamic-body></a-entity>
<a-plane static-body color="#ccc" height="100" width="100" position="0 -0.1 0" rotation="-90 0 0"></a-plane>
and JS
const scene = document.querySelector('a-scene');
const camera = document.querySelector('[camera]');
const attachment = document.querySelector('#attachment');
function spawnBullet() {
let entity = document.createElement('a-sphere');
let impulseAmount = 8;
entity.setAttribute('radius', 1);
// Set initial position of projectile to that of the camera.
entity.setAttribute('position', camera.getAttribute('position'));
entity.setAttribute('color', '#00FFCC');
entity.setAttribute('shader', 'flat');
entity.setAttribute('mass', 10);
// Append projectile to the scene, not to the camera, to
// avoid all sorts of complications. Most notably, CANNON.js
// has no scene graph or nesting.
entity.setAttribute('dynamic-body', true);
entity.addEventListener('body-loaded', function(){
// Can't apply forces during the same tick that attaches the body, because
// it hasn't been fully synced to the physics sim. (bug)
setTimeout(function () {
let pStart = new CANNON.Vec3();
// Use an origin point behind the head, not at the head, so
// there's a useful vector between the origin and the projectile.
let force = entity.body.position.vsub(pStart);
force.scale(impulseAmount, force);
entity.body.applyImpulse(force, entity.body.position);
}, 0);
entity.addEventListener('collide', function(e){
if (scene.hasLoaded) init(); // change 2
else scene.addEventListener('loaded', init);
function init () {
// any code that appends things to the scene
scene.addEventListener('click', spawnBullet);
Is there a way that this can be stopped and the sphere remains intact after collision?