I would like to do a packet capture using tshark
, a command-line flavor of Wireshark, while connecting to a remote host device on telnet. I would like to invoke the function I wrote for capture:
def wire_cap(ip1,ip2,op_fold,file_name,duration): # invoke tshark to capture traffic during session
if duration == 0:
cmd='"tshark" -i 1 -P -w '+ op_fold+file_name+'.pcap src ' + str(ip1) + ' or src '+ str(ip2)
cmd='"tshark" -i 1 -a duration:'+str(duration)+' -P -w '+ op_fold+file_name+'.pcap src ' + str(ip1) + ' or src '+ str(ip2)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
out = p.stderr.read(1)
if out == '' and p.poll() != None:
if out != '':
For debugging purpose, I would like to run this function in the background by calling it as and when required and stopping it when I've got the capture. Something like:
Start a thread or a background process called wire_capture
//Do something here
Stop the thread or the background process wire_capture
By reading a bit, I realized that thread.start_new_thread()
and threading.Thread()
seems to be suitable only when I know the duration of the capture (an exit condition). I tried using thread.exit()
but it acted like sys.exit()
and stopped the execution of the program completely. I also tried threading.Event()
as follows:
if cap_flg:
print "Starting a packet capture thread...."
th_capture = threading.Thread(target=wire_cap, name='Thread_Packet_Capture', args=(IP1, IP2, output, 'wire_capture', 0, ))
if cap_flg:
thread_kill = threading.Event()
print "Exiting the packet capture thread...."
I would like to know how can I make the process stop when I feel like stopping it (Like an exit condition that can be added so that I can exit the thread execution). The above code I tried doesn't seem to work.
is ignored as described in the docs: the main thread is not a daemon thread and therefore all threads created in the main thread default to daemon = False. The entire Python program exits when no alive non-daemon threads are left. – LMCthreading
then. Any leads on that? – skrowten_hermit