I try to export Kafka metrics per JMX to Prometheus and display them with Grafana, but I´m struggling to get the Consumer metrics (to be more precise this one:
kafka.consumer:type=ConsumerFetcherManager,name=MaxLag,clientId=([-.\w]+) )
Everytime I try to fetch this Mbean, it doesn´t even show up. I read all the time that I have to "look into the client", or "I´m looking in the broker metrics, but I need the consumer metrics", but nobody does explain how to do this, so I´m asking you guys if you could help me. Is there some kind of configuration, or special JMX Port to get Consumer metrics or something like that?
The pattern for my config file to look for MBeans:
- pattern : kafka.consumer<type=(.+), name=(.+), client-id=(.+)><>(Count|Value)
name: kafka_consumer_$1_$2
clientId: "$3"
Also, i need to fetch the Metrics with JMX, because i dont have access to the Kafka server.
I´m using this project as an example: https://github.com/rama-nallamilli/kafka-prometheus-monitoring