
In Project tasks kanban view there is a button "+" (for each stage) to "quick create" a task for a stage. How to make this button open not "a quick create" (small form) but instead open a "Task create" form for that stage? So that when the user clicks "+" on the stage then the user is redirected to the "New task" form (and the stage is preselected). Much like when the user clicks "New" button to create a task.


2 Answers


This OCA module allow you to open 'New task' form. https://github.com/OCA/server-tools/tree/10.0/base_optional_quick_create

  • go into the menu 'Settings/Technical/Data base structure/ models'
  • select the model for which you want to disable the quick create option,
  • enable the option Avoid quick create.

It's works for me.


You don't need to install any new module for this. Add the attribute quick_create="false" to kanban. You may remove on_create and quick_create_view attributes if they exist, but this is not necessary.

<kanban quick_create="false" ...>