
I got a fresh installation of Python 3.6.6 and PyCharm 2018.2 Commmunity Edition.

Unfortunately PyCharm (and also a installed with Python IDLE) does not see packages installed with pip.

I’ve installed with pip some pakages: Pillow, Pyglet, Pygame, Arcade. I can see them using pip list command, but they are inviosible in PyCharm interpreter settings. PyCharm detects only setuptools and pip.

enter image description here

I reinstalled Python and Pycharm several times, tried to reinstall packages with pip, but nothing helps.

You probably have more than one copy of Python installed, and the pip you're using is for a different version/copy of Python than the one PyCharm is using. What platform are you one, what does python --version and pip --version say on the command line, what does python -C import sys; print(sys.executable) on the command line and running import sys; print(sys.executable) say inside PyCharm?abarnert
@abarnert Nope, I uninstalled all Python versions, so I have opnly the 3.6.6 version now. python –version is confirming it: Python 3.6.6 and pip – version says: pip 18.0 from i:\programowanie\python\python3.6.6\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.6) which is correct path to my Python installation. PyCharm prinbts also correct path: I:\Programowanie\Python\Python3.6.6\python.exeRafał Trąbski
@Rafał Trąbski can you import the said modules on terminal?Nipun Sampath
@NipunSampath it seems that there is only a problem with Arcade package - other packages started to show up in PyCharm and are possible to be imported in terminal. Only the Arcade package does not work. PyCharm, when I try install it, says: „Command „python setup.py egg_info” failed with error code 1".Rafał Trąbski
@Rafał Trąbski How did you tried to install Arcade on pycharm? Did you try the pycharm terminal(because the arcade does not show up in the project interpreter menu)Nipun Sampath

2 Answers


I have currently no access to my dev pc, but i encountered that specific problem multiple times before. PyCharm provides the funtionality to use multiple python interpreters (virtual interpreters provided by pycharm and the python interpreter installed on your system). Have a look at your projects python interpreter in your project settings.


It is possible that you are working on an env(may be venv) that pycharm is not able to see.

In Pycharm you will have to go to Preferences->Project: -> and then install the package there. It will then see the packages.