I am new to spring and kafka . I have a use case to consume from a kafka topic and produce to another topic using a transactional producer(messages should be processed only once) .I saw the discussion on this thread (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-kafka/issues/645) but implemented it little differently . I set a manual ack mode in the listener container factory and then did an acknowledgent after sending to producer using kafkatemplate.executeinTransaction(aysnc send) .Does that acheive the same result as this one ? . Since the send is asynchnrous I am not sure it will serve the purpose
Also in the above example on issue 645 when does the actual commit to kafka broker happen ?(consumer see the data ). Does it happen on a commit interval or record by record ?.I am trying to understand if the actual commit happens on a time interval/for every record or is it something configurable.