
I get reviews from customers into azure data lake which are combined/formatted in U-SQL. Some of the customers leave a space in between their comment lines. Any idea how to remove these blank lines using U-Sql?

E.g of a single comment

My name is abc
<blank line>
I love playing football. 

Need to remove the blank line in between. Trim() removes the start and end whitespaces only. Thanks.

How does the source look like (content) and what format and structure is it anyway?Peter Bons
Its just 2 columns which are customer ID, review. Both are strings.Jobi

1 Answers


You can use RegEx and U-SQL to clean up your text, for example, this simple script replaces two carriage returns with a single carriage return, removing blank lines:

@input = 
        ( VALUES
            ( 1, @"My name is abc

I love playing football." ),
            ( 2, @"I love U-SQL

I'm indifferent to Hadoop." )
        ) AS x( id, review );

// Strip out repeated carriage returns
@output =
    SELECT id, 
            Regex.Replace(review, "(\r\n){2}", "\r\n", RegexOptions.Multiline) AS cleanedReview
    FROM @input;

OUTPUT @output
TO "/output/output.csv"
USING Outputters.Csv();

You may have to experiment with the RegEx expression to clean your particular data.