
Is there is a possibility to restrict particular work item say Task:1234 to be linked with any changeset.

Developer should get prompt/msg if they try to add their changes for that workitem id.

Please let me know the solution for this query.

No. What is the situation you're encountering where this is desired behavior?Daniel Mann
This should be the behaviour. When the user tries to check-in there pending changes, under related work item they can select any workitem. SO here I want to restrict them when they select some selected workitem ids like 123, 768 etc.Priya Singhka

1 Answers


There is not any build-in feature to restrict particular work item to link with changeset.

Even with the permission setting, we could also not configure related permission for a particular workitem.

As a workaround, if you want to do this during the check in option, you could use customize check in policy raise up a policy warning, remember user do not associate changeset with specific work item. As for how to create customize check in policy, please refer this blog: Creating TFS Custom Check-in Policy