
I have one this scenario:

  1. I add to a layer CAAnimation that transforms it to a specific frame. with a starting time of 0.
  2. Then I add another CAAnimation that transforms it to a different frame. with a starting time of 0.5.

what happens is that the layer immediately gets the second frame (with no animation) and after the first animation time passes the second animation is completed correctly.

This is the animation creation code:

+ (CAAnimation *)transformAnimation:(CALayer *)layer
                           duration:(CFTimeInterval)duration {

    CATransform3D fromTransform = makeTransform(layer, fromFrame, fromAngle, anchor, vertical);
    CATransform3D midTransform1 = makeTransformLerp(layer, fromFrame, toFrame, fromAngle, toAngle, anchor, 0.33, vertical);
    CATransform3D midTransform2 = makeTransformLerp(layer, fromFrame, toFrame, fromAngle, toAngle, anchor, 0.66, vertical);
    CATransform3D toTransform = makeTransform(layer, toFrame, toAngle, anchor, vertical);

    CAKeyframeAnimation *animation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform"];
    animation.values = @[[NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:fromTransform],
                         [NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:midTransform1],
                         [NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:midTransform2],
                         [NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:toTransform]
    animation.beginTime = begin;
    animation.duration = duration;
    animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeBoth;
    animation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationPaced;
    animation.removedOnCompletion = NO;
    return animation;

EDIT in most scenarios, this code works well and the animations are sequenced correctly. But if I set 1 transform animation to start after 2 seconds and then set another transform to start after 4 seconds. the first transform is applied immediately to the layer and the second animation starts from there.

Any Idea how can I separate the animation to run one after the other? (I prefer not using a completion block)


Can you give a little code of what you are wanting or doing and I would be glad to help.agibson007
Added code. thanksshannoga
Begin time alone would do that. Can you give some more context sorry.agibson007
@agibson007 Edited the question, thanksshannoga
k. Can you also share the lines where you add this to your layer. I think I have your answer but want to be sure. Am I understanding your right that you would want them to act in sequence. meaning if you start an animation with 0.5 seconds duration and another one at a begin time of 0.4 with a 0.5 duration you don't really want it to start until 0.5 and then continue with a 0.5 duration? Just trying to make sure.agibson007

1 Answers


The easiest and most glaring early fix would be to change the fill mode so that the second animation is not clamped on both ends overriding the previous animation.

animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;

Also I would adjust the begin time to be

animation.beginTime = CACurrentMediaTime() + begin;

If it is a matter of overlapping begin times and durations and not this let me know and I can provide that as well.