I'm wanting to show the dragged control while dragging in my form. I have a list of controls (textboxes and a picturebox) which are draggable. I would like to show the dragged control all the time, as long as the control is being dragged, even if the user cannot drop it. I also have an issue with dragging the picture box. It shows a dragged image of the control, however it flickers.
Code for drag feedback for picture box
Private Sub qrCode_GiveFeedback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GiveFeedbackEventArgs) Handles QRCodeDrag.GiveFeedback
Dim bitmap As Bitmap
bitmap = New Bitmap(QRCodeDrag.Width, QRCodeDrag.Height)
QRCodeDrag.DrawToBitmap(bitmap, New Rectangle(Point.Empty, bitmap.Size))
Dim cursor As New Cursor(bitmap.GetHicon)
Cursor.Current = cursor
End Sub
Any ideas?